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Creativity Coaching FAQ

Do you only work with writers?
I am happy to work with any creator. I have worked with several artists, a quilter, an entrepreneur launching her business, a songwriter, and of course other writers. I can be of service to anyone in their creative life. However, as a writer myself, I have more direct experience to share with writers.
Will you be giving me feedback on my work?
Creativity coaching focuses on your creative process and anything that may be getting in your way. Reading clients' work is generally not part of the package. That said, if this is something you want, we can discuss whether I can be of help and make an arrangement for it.
What does a coaching session look like?
In our first meeting, and in all subsequent meetings, we will begin with where you are: what you are working on, what’s getting in your way, what you want to accomplish. Then we will discuss themes or issues that emerge. My goal is to be of some help to you. Imagine two people having a friendly conversation about something that matters. This is what it will look like. At the end of our session we will come up with some goals that you would like to achieve (they don’t have to be monumental!) and some strategies for how to meet them.
Do I have to use my coaching sessions right away?
Once you purchase a coaching package, I will send you a brief questionnaire that will provide me with a snapshot of your current creative life. I suggest filling out the questionnaire as soon as possible, and then we can make an appointment to meet. That meeting can be scheduled for a week or two away, or even a month! The important thing is to begin, and to get a meeting on the calendar.
How often will we meet?
Ideally when we first begin to work together we would meet every week or two. After you are “in the groove,” we can stretch out the sessions as it makes sense. I would suggest meeting at least monthly for the duration of your package. And of course you are always welcome to sign up again!
If you have further questions, feel free to email
or call 703-314-0545.
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