About Lisa
Dear Writer (yes, you!),
There is a line from a gorgeous Galway Kinnell poem that speaks to me: “sometimes it is necessary / to reteach a thing its loveliness.” This has been my mission ever since I left my "official" publishing career in 2004. Whether teaching YogaRhythmics® classes, leading creative writing retreats, or facilitating Amherst Writers & Artists (AWA) or Journal to the Self® workshops, my goal has been the same: to hold up a mirror to the dancer, the writer, the creator, and say, “look how beautiful you are.” This is a message we don’t often hear in our culture, and it bears repeating.
I first encountered the AWA method on a weekend women’s retreat in Capon Springs, WV. Until then, I hadn’t realized how liberating, joyful, spontaneous, and transformative a writing workshop could be. The AWA method has the uncanny ability to elicit cascades of stories, for it deeply honors each writer’s voice. I found myself writing fiction and poetry, two genres I had never considered before. I found myself listening raptly to other writers, who shared rich stories of the places and people of their origins. In my imagination I smelled bread baking in a wood-fired oven, scuffed through leaves in the autumn woods, and journeyed to far-flung lands, all on the wings of others’ words. I wanted more.
And so, after more than 20 years in the publishing business as an editor for a variety of nonprofits, corporations, and publishers, I took the plunge and began the AWA training at founder Pat Schneider’s home in Amherst, MA. In 2012 I became a certified facilitator, and since then I have led many weekly workshops, one-day retreats, and weekend retreats in the Washington, DC, metro area. In March 2015 I added to my repertoire of offerings by becoming a certified Journal to the Self® instructor. And in January 2023 I completed my training with Eric Maisel to become a creativity coach!
Given my love for this work, it seems impossible that there was ever a time when I did not sit in a circle of writers and drink in their stories. It isn't a stretch to say that finding this work changed my life. I invite you to join me for a workshop or retreat.. Perhaps it will change yours!

In Brief . . .
Advanced training in creativity coaching with Eric Maisel
Certified Amherst Writers & Artists writing workshop facilitator
Certified Journal to the Self® instructor
More than 30 years’ experience in writing, editing, and publications management
M.A., Anthropology & B.A., English
Certificate in Publishing Studies
Certifed Kripalu DansKinetics®/ YogaRhythmics® instructor
Selected Publications​
Various articles for Unity Leaders Journal
Short-short fiction for Modern Retro Woman (blog)
“The Parting Glass,” Washingtonian
“Leisure Time? She’s Booked Up,” The Washington Post